Tuesday, February 10, 2009

10 Weeks

Okay, so I am not officially 10 weeks until tomorrow...but I am darn close. Here is a little update on the pregnancy...

I have been really lucky and have had virtually no morning sickness. My most inconvenient symptom has been the constant tiredness, which is starting to get better. My only serious food craving so far has been for berries (blackberries, raspberries and strawberries specifically). Since it is the middle of winter, this is not the best time for berries but I have been buying them anyway. Apparently the baby REALLY wants them! :)

I had my first doctor appointment during week 6 and everything seems to be doing great. I guess I passed all of those tests they made me pee and bleed and such for. We are glad about that. My next appointment will be at 12 weeks and we will get to hear the baby's heart beat!

Mark has been doing really great at dealing with my crazy mood swings and has been letting me be the one to sleep in on the weekends! (This is a huge deal because the dogs like to get up early!) He even has been willing to go to Babies R Us TWICE for a total of at least 2 and a half hours! We picked out the bedding so that we can paint the room to match. It's really cute with animals and letters and such. It's called Alphabet Soup and we chose it because we wanted to go as gender neutral as possible.

Speaking of gender neutral, I won't get to have an opportunity to find out the baby's gender until the week of 4/22/09...I am desperate to know and really hoping that the baby is not crossing it's legs or something that day! And yes, as soon as we know, everyone will know. I mean, come on! Has Jenny EVER been known to keep a secret well before? I think not! :)

Thank you to everyone who has been so great, letting me babble on for hours about this baby. Hopefully I don't wear anyone out on the subject anytime soon. September is a long time from now!

Love you all tons!
Jenny Scheper