When we arrived back at the hospital they tested me again and determind that my "water" had in fact broken at around 10pm. Mark and I personally believe that we were right the first time but had a poorly administered test. (Talk to me in person if you want the details on that part.) We were checked in and in the labor and delivery room by around 3:30am. I called my mom early and told her what was going on. It looked like things were going to be moving quite slowly so Mom and I agreed that she would wait until 6 or 7am to come in. That idea didn' last very long and she arrived within and hour or so of my phone call. No surprise there!
Mark was great throughout the entire labor and delivery process. I couldn't have asked for a better coach and partner. My mom and Emma were in the room with us through the whole process and were a blessing. They took some pressure off of Mark and helped me to remain...polite!
I made it until about 2:30pm without any medications besides the pitocin needed to get things moving. At that time I was given Nubane (I am sure that is spelled wrong) and that helped a bit. Just when I thought I was going to have to take something more they told me that it was time to push. After about a half and hour of pushing, my beautiful daughter was born!
She just woke from her nap so more to come later...