My aunt Brenda and cousin Megan threw my family baby shower last weekend and it was wonderful! The weather was perfect, the food was fabulous and the company couldn't have been better. Megan came up with a great idea to have everyone decorate a baby bib with puff paint. They turned out to be really, really cute! I know I will get a kick out of them every time Lexie wears one!
And here is my mom (Linda), me and my grandma (Jeanette).
The pregnancy continues to go pretty well. My feet are swollen daily and I get tired a lot faster than I did a few weeks ago but I can't complain...except about having to get up to pee every 2 hours at night! That is really getting old! Mark and I are looking forward to having our little Lexie join us. The nursery is 75% set up and we even have my hospital bag (mostly) packed.
Here I am, 33 weeks pregnant...
Our dogs, Jackson and Daisy are excited about Alexandra's arrival as well. They have been around children quite a bit and have been really gentle and patient with even our youngest visitors, which makes us hope that the transition won't be too hard on them.
Jackson is just hoping to have someone to share the couch with...
...because Daisy and Mark alway make him take the floor during nap time!
Those pics of Mark and the dogs are too funny! Lexie is going to be here before we know it! Can't wait to meet her!