Thursday, August 27, 2009

2 weeks to go!

Only 2 weeks to go...Will it ever end? I am SO ready for Lexie to be here...and to not be pregnant any more. I had a doctor's appointment today and got some great news. I am 1 cm dilated and 50% effaced! YEAH! I know that I could still have many days yet to go but at least I am making forward progress.

The nursery is all set up know, just waiting for our baby to come home. Maybe if she realized how nice her new room is she would get this show on the road. :)

My bag has been packed for a couple of weeks now and the car seat is installed and has been inspected by a very nice sheriff. She didn't even laugh when I showed her how Mark and I had tried to install it. The only part that we got right was having it face the right way. :) I guess that's why everyone says having an inspection done is a good idea.


  1. The hardest part is the waiting! I can't wait for her to make her appearance! Hang in there-will await for the call!!

  2. That is so funny about the car seat! I can't even figure out how to get Avery out of it half the time! Babies come with a very large learning curve!
