Monday, August 2, 2010
Ultrasound results!
So, the ultrasound results are in...and we are having another girl!!! Elizabeth Rose Scheper will be here somewhere near 10/10/10. All of the results look good and she currently weighs about 2.5 pounds, right on track! Once I get my scanner up and running I will post the ultrasound images. :)
Monday, July 26, 2010
New Jersey/ Williamsburg vacation
Lexie had a nice time on our vacation out East to visit the Scheper family. Although it was hot and Lexie got sick part way through, it was a successful trip. Here are some of the many, many pictures that we took.
Lexie was an ANGEL during the airplane ride and the 8 hour drive!
Lexie LOVED her first time swimming!
Lexie, Jenny, Uncle Mike, Aunt Sarah and Cousin Andriana.
Jenny and Lexie in one of the replica Powhatan homes at Yorktown.
Grandma Scheper and Lexie outside of Yorktown.
Lexie's cousins (Jacob, Michelle, Jillian, Cassandra, Helen and Devon)
The whole gang out at dinner.
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
Lexie's 9 month
Lexie had her 9 month appointment about a week ago and I am just now finding the time to write about it. Again, she is a very healthy baby. Praise God! She is currently 17 pounds, 12 ounces (30th percentile) and about 28 inches long (75th percentile) so she is long and lean! Very good to hear! She also apparently has a huge head (90th percentile). Mark says that this is to house all of those brains! LOL! She did very good at the appointment and it certainly didn't hurt that there were no shots to deal with this time.
Lexie has been busy learning more and more new skills. She is a very fast crawler these days and is able to pull herself into a standing position. She hasn't tried to move her feet once she gets up there but we can see that this will happen any day now. Lexie is also the proud owner of 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. :)
Lexie's current repertoire of tricks includes giving kisses, waving and playing peek-a-boo.
Lexie has been busy learning more and more new skills. She is a very fast crawler these days and is able to pull herself into a standing position. She hasn't tried to move her feet once she gets up there but we can see that this will happen any day now. Lexie is also the proud owner of 4 teeth, 2 top and 2 bottom. :)
Lexie's current repertoire of tricks includes giving kisses, waving and playing peek-a-boo.
Lexie's 9 month shot.
Lexie's first pigtails.
Tried out the swimming pool but the water was too we hung out on the blanket instead.
Exited to be able to reach into the toy box on her own!
Lexie discovered "behind the couch." A world previously only explored by the dogs.
And in the process she found the only outlet we hadn't baby-proofed...and A LOT of dog fur!
Oh, the joys of being 9 months old!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Our summer trip
Mark, Lexie and I are gearing up for our exciting trip out east this summer. Mark's oldest brother Michael and his beautiful family are being deployed to Okinawa, Japan at the end of the summer and will be there for the next three years. Because of this, Mark's parents decided to get all of their kids and their families together for a week's vacation while we are all still on the same continent. They booked us all for a week at the Historic Powhatan Resort in Williamsburg, Virgina! I am really excited about this trip, not only because I have a serious passion for American History, but because this will really give me the chance to get to know the rest of Mark's family.
Here is a list of characters for this adventure:
Joe-Mark's father, high school Physics teacher, New Jersey
Shelley-Mark's mother, management in an industrial flavoring production company, New Jersey
Micheal-Mark's oldest brother, Army Ranger, 38 years old? Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa, Japan
Rowena-Micheal's beautiful wife whom he met in the Philippines, Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawn
Devon-Micheal's son from a previous marriage, Jacob's brother, 15 years old? Lives in New Jersey
Jacob-Micheal's son from a previous marriage, Devon's brother, 12 years old? Lives in New Jersey
Michelle-Rowena's daughter from a previous marriage, 9 years old, Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa
Jillian-Micheal's daughter from a previous relationship, 8 years old? Lives in Tacoma, WA
Cassandra-Micheal and Rowena's daughter, 6 years old, Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa
Helen-Micheal and Rowena's daughter, 4 years old? Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa
Matt-Mark's 2nd older brother, National Guard, 35 years old, New Jersey
Mark-My fabulous husband, 34 years old, Minnesota
Jenny-Me!, 29 years old, Minnesota
Lexie-Mark and Jenny's beautiful daughter, 8 months old, Minnesota
Sarah-Mark's sister, 30 years old, Elementary school teacher, New Jersey
Andreas-Sarah's husband, accountant, 30 years old?, New Jersey
Andriana-Sarah and Andreas' 2 month old daughter, New Jersey
Nathan-Mark's youngest brother, Air force-Air traffic controller, 26 years old, New Jersey
Yep, that's the whole crew! I hear that there is room for 20 so Matt and Nathan have a couple of months to meet the loves of their lives and bring them along! :) I am so glad that everyone is going to be able to make it. Should be quite the adventure, huh?
After our week there we will be spending a few more days in New Jersey and Shelley is planning to have an actual family reunion. This promises to be big since Mark's family is so large. It should be interesting.
Does anyone have any ideas for traveling with a little one? Must have toys and such? Advice needed!
Here is a list of characters for this adventure:
Joe-Mark's father, high school Physics teacher, New Jersey
Shelley-Mark's mother, management in an industrial flavoring production company, New Jersey
Micheal-Mark's oldest brother, Army Ranger, 38 years old? Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa, Japan
Rowena-Micheal's beautiful wife whom he met in the Philippines, Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawn
Devon-Micheal's son from a previous marriage, Jacob's brother, 15 years old? Lives in New Jersey
Jacob-Micheal's son from a previous marriage, Devon's brother, 12 years old? Lives in New Jersey
Michelle-Rowena's daughter from a previous marriage, 9 years old, Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa
Jillian-Micheal's daughter from a previous relationship, 8 years old? Lives in Tacoma, WA
Cassandra-Micheal and Rowena's daughter, 6 years old, Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa
Helen-Micheal and Rowena's daughter, 4 years old? Lives in Tacoma, WA, soon Okinawa
Matt-Mark's 2nd older brother, National Guard, 35 years old, New Jersey
Mark-My fabulous husband, 34 years old, Minnesota
Jenny-Me!, 29 years old, Minnesota
Lexie-Mark and Jenny's beautiful daughter, 8 months old, Minnesota
Sarah-Mark's sister, 30 years old, Elementary school teacher, New Jersey
Andreas-Sarah's husband, accountant, 30 years old?, New Jersey
Andriana-Sarah and Andreas' 2 month old daughter, New Jersey
Nathan-Mark's youngest brother, Air force-Air traffic controller, 26 years old, New Jersey
Yep, that's the whole crew! I hear that there is room for 20 so Matt and Nathan have a couple of months to meet the loves of their lives and bring them along! :) I am so glad that everyone is going to be able to make it. Should be quite the adventure, huh?
After our week there we will be spending a few more days in New Jersey and Shelley is planning to have an actual family reunion. This promises to be big since Mark's family is so large. It should be interesting.
Does anyone have any ideas for traveling with a little one? Must have toys and such? Advice needed!
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
The latest
So it has been too long since I was last on here...Now I have lots to catch everyone up on. First of all, here is Lexie's 8 month photo.
She has been a busy girl. She now can get into a sitting position on her own. That started about a week ago and then just this Saturday at Emma's bridal shower she pulled herself up into a standing position (well, pulled herself up onto cousin Kallie and Carleen.) She has also said "Daddy" a few times this week! Yep, she is a busy girl! And she is keeping her parents busy chasing after her as she attempts to take a bath in the dogs' water dish. Speaking of baths...
Lexie has learned how to "swim laps" in the bath tub. She will crawl to one end of the tub, turn around, and then repeat...over and over and over again. I need to get this girl into a swimming pool! Both Mark and I spent a large majority of our childhood's swimming so it is little wonder that our child is part fish!
Lexie's hair is now long enough for pigtails. Here is the morning after her first official "do."
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Happy Easter!
Lexie, Mark and I had a wonderful Easter! We went over to Gary and Joy's house to join the family for an Easter dinner. Lexie enjoyed getting to wear the beautiful Easter dress that her Grandma Scheper sent her. She didn't enjoy wearing the shoes that I picked out however...but she did seem to have fun kicking them off and across the room!
Doesn't she look like a little lady?
Having fun playing out on the deck before dinner.
The family.
Lexie hopes that cousin Avery doesn't mind that she used her highchair.
In other news, Lexie has had a busy week...

Wearing Daddy's hat and lookin' cute!

In other news, Lexie has had a busy week...
Wearing Daddy's hat and lookin' cute!
Friday, March 26, 2010
Lexie's 6 months
I can't believe I forgot to put up a post about Lexie's 6 month! I am a bad mother! Or just a busy one. :) We brought her to the doctor for her 6 month check up a couple of weeks ago. She is a very healthy and well developed little girl! She weighed in at about 16 pounds and she is 26 inches long. That means she has gained 10 pounds and is a half foot longer than when she was born! Here are some pictures of my big girl.
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Due Date news
So, I had my first OB appointment for little one #2 on Monday. I ended up going for an ultrasound to try to establish a firm due date. Guess when this baby is due? 10/10/10! That's right! Lexie's due date was 9/9/09 so we are stunned! What are the chances of that? Mark's first reaction was to say that this means we need to plan #3 for 11/11/11. I told him that he was nuts and that 12/12/12 sounds like a better plan to me!
Other than fun baby news things have been fairly quiet around here.

Other than fun baby news things have been fairly quiet around here.
Here is a picture of Lexie in the "crown" that her daddy made for her. She did have a rattle, I mean "scepter" but she kept throwing it across the room.
The only other exciting news this week is that Lexie got into her first fight on Wednesday. We were over visiting my friend Terry and her 10 month old grandson Brandon. First, let me tell you that Brandon is the biggest 10 month old that I have ever seen. He wears 2T clothes! Anyhow, Brandon was sitting on the floor when we arrived so I sat Lexie on the floor next to him and waited to see how they would react to each other. Brandon immediately started grabbing for her hair and lightly hitting her (not hard enough to hurt her or anything). Before I could move her away, Lexie turns to him and starts swatting back at him. He sat there stunned for a minute looking confused. The cats never have that reaction when he goes after them so what is this all about, he wonders. So he tries to swat at her again. Again, Lexie quickly returns several well aimed swats, resulting in him starting to cry and crawling away to his grandma. It was hilarious! Am I a bad mother for being proud that my little girl can take on a boy twice her age? Naaaaa!
The only other exciting news this week is that Lexie got into her first fight on Wednesday. We were over visiting my friend Terry and her 10 month old grandson Brandon. First, let me tell you that Brandon is the biggest 10 month old that I have ever seen. He wears 2T clothes! Anyhow, Brandon was sitting on the floor when we arrived so I sat Lexie on the floor next to him and waited to see how they would react to each other. Brandon immediately started grabbing for her hair and lightly hitting her (not hard enough to hurt her or anything). Before I could move her away, Lexie turns to him and starts swatting back at him. He sat there stunned for a minute looking confused. The cats never have that reaction when he goes after them so what is this all about, he wonders. So he tries to swat at her again. Again, Lexie quickly returns several well aimed swats, resulting in him starting to cry and crawling away to his grandma. It was hilarious! Am I a bad mother for being proud that my little girl can take on a boy twice her age? Naaaaa!
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
The Scheper family keeps growing!
As many of you know, we learned some rather exciting news this weekend. I am pregnant again! This little baby should be due around September 28th. Yep, that's right...just 20 days after Lexie's first birthday! We are a little shocked that this has happened so quickly but we couldn't be happier about it. Mark and I have known that we wanted our children born close together. I just didn't think it would be this close. :) I will be going in for my first OB appointment next week so we shall see what's happening.
Meanwhile...Lexie continues to grow like a weed. She is 5 months old this week! She is turning over from her back to her front very frequently and every once and a while she figures out how to get back on her back. We have a very chatty little baby who keeps us well informed of her moods with her goos and babbles...and of course, giggles. It's very cute! Lexie is showing great progress in the eating department. She now gets at least one solid-food meal each day. So far her favorite thing is applesauce, although pears were devoured pretty quickly too.
Lexie is playing a lot more these days. She actively reaches for certain toys and shows us that she wants something by staring at it or leaning towards it. A couple of times she has even scooted/creeped across her play blanket to reach a favorite toy. We will be babyproofing very, very soon!
On the flip side, she has been showing some signs of distress related to teething. Poor baby! Because of this she isn't sleeping through the night as often as she had been and we are seeing some general crankiness...not that we blame her. I would be crabby too if I was in her position. I am looking forward to the day those suckers come it so she can get some relief.
Here are some of our favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks...
Meanwhile...Lexie continues to grow like a weed. She is 5 months old this week! She is turning over from her back to her front very frequently and every once and a while she figures out how to get back on her back. We have a very chatty little baby who keeps us well informed of her moods with her goos and babbles...and of course, giggles. It's very cute! Lexie is showing great progress in the eating department. She now gets at least one solid-food meal each day. So far her favorite thing is applesauce, although pears were devoured pretty quickly too.
Lexie is playing a lot more these days. She actively reaches for certain toys and shows us that she wants something by staring at it or leaning towards it. A couple of times she has even scooted/creeped across her play blanket to reach a favorite toy. We will be babyproofing very, very soon!
On the flip side, she has been showing some signs of distress related to teething. Poor baby! Because of this she isn't sleeping through the night as often as she had been and we are seeing some general crankiness...not that we blame her. I would be crabby too if I was in her position. I am looking forward to the day those suckers come it so she can get some relief.
Here are some of our favorite pictures from the last couple of weeks...
Friday, January 15, 2010
4 Months old
It's hard for us to believe but our baby girl is 4 months old already!
Here she is, getting bigger all of the time!
Lexie gave us a surprise on the day she turned 4 months old.,.She rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time! This week we also started some experimenting with rice cereal. So far it has been a messy ordeal but Lexie seems to be enjoying the change of pace.

This week we also went out to lunch with one of my old clients and her mother. We all had a blast!
Lexie gave us a surprise on the day she turned 4 months old.,.She rolled over from her back to her tummy for the first time! This week we also started some experimenting with rice cereal. So far it has been a messy ordeal but Lexie seems to be enjoying the change of pace.
This week we also went out to lunch with one of my old clients and her mother. We all had a blast!
Christmas and more
Sorry that it took me so long to get these posted...
Lexie looking like such a little lady at Christmas time.
Lexie and cousin Avery in their Christmas pajamas.
Lexie and her daddy during the Christmas weekend Giants game. Don't worry, she has a lot more Vikings gear at home!
Lexie with her Auntie Em at the Huber Christmas gathering.
First day using the bouncer...She likes it!
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