Friday, March 26, 2010

Lexie's 6 months

I can't believe I forgot to put up a post about Lexie's 6 month! I am a bad mother! Or just a busy one. :) We brought her to the doctor for her 6 month check up a couple of weeks ago. She is a very healthy and well developed little girl! She weighed in at about 16 pounds and she is 26 inches long. That means she has gained 10 pounds and is a half foot longer than when she was born! Here are some pictures of my big girl.

Holding that head up so high!

Lexie working on sitting up by herself!

She has gotten too big and strong for her activity mat so it has been packed away (for a few months.)

Her 6 month photo.

Playing with the boa that Mommy got at her bridal shower. This is a favorite occupation while Mommy folds laundry.


  1. They do not get any more beautiful than this!

  2. She is beyond adorable! Getting so big! Will see you when we get back in mid-May! Love you, miss you, Auntie Bren

  3. I cannot believe how big she is getting! I love that last photo! So adorable! Also love the bunny one- perfect for Easter with her cute duckie onesie!
