Lexie, Mark and I had a wonderful Easter! We went over to Gary and Joy's house to join the family for an Easter dinner. Lexie enjoyed getting to wear the beautiful Easter dress that her Grandma Scheper sent her. She didn't enjoy wearing the shoes that I picked out however...but she did seem to have fun kicking them off and across the room!

Doesn't she look like a little lady?

Having fun playing out on the deck before dinner.

The family.

Lexie hopes that cousin Avery doesn't mind that she used her highchair.
In other news, Lexie has had a busy week...

Wearing Daddy's hat and lookin' cute!

Relaxing in the shade during our first trip to the park.

Loving strolling through the park.
Love the pics Jen! Sorry we missed you guys this year! Hope to see you soon!